The Square

YouTube video

Discord server

GitHub repository

The Square (still image)

Part 1: The Actual Square

There are 22 regions, each with a different size and colour.

The Square (building animation)

Part 2: The Discord Bot

 BOT STATUS: unknown 

You can join one of those regions by going to my Discord server (Seal Squad) and using Omega Seal’s slash commands.

/join <region> — Join one of The Square’s regions and change the colour of your name

use of /join


You can only be in one region at a time.

/leave — Leave The Square and reset the colour of your name

use of /leave

Additional bot commands, unrelated to The Square:

/ping — See Omega Seal’s ping

use of /ping

/stop — Stop the bot (Obsidian_Seal only!)

use of /stop

/text <message> — Send a message on my website:

use of /text

/text-space <text> — Give your text some s p a c e

use of /text-space

/embed <title> <description> [colour HEX code] — Send a custom embed

use of /embed

/help — Get the URL to Omega Seal’s list of commands and other information (this page)

use of /help