Blog Post / March 8th, 2024 Previous / Next

Finite Craft & NYT Games Notation

Two New Projects

Another new project, and a pretty cool one at that! Introducing: Finite Craft, a game about combining things to make other things. You can learn how to play on the how-to page, and you can learn about the theory behind the game from another new project: Graph Theory EXPLAINED. Both Finite Craft and Graph Theory EXPLAINED took a very long time to make, so I appreciate anyone who checks them out.

New York Times Games Notation

There are now quite a few New York Times games that I do every day. I would like to share how well I do in each game with my friends, but sharing the results of more than a couple games takes up a lot of space. For this reason, I have devised what I call “New York Times Games Notation”, a way of writing your results on just one line. This way it can fit, for example, in your Discord status!

example of New York Times Games Notation

>>> The Mini

 M<time>  how long it took you to solve, example  M0:14 

 M<time>*  an asterisk for each type of help you used (autocheck, reveal word, etc.), example  M2:47** 

>>> Connections

 C<#>  number of connections made, example  C2 

 C<#>*  an asterisk if you had help, example  C4* 

 Cp  perfect!

 Cp+  perfect AND in order of difficulty!

>>> Wordle

 W<#>  number of guesses, example  W3 

 W<#>*  an asterisk if you had help, example  W2* 

 Wx  if you failed

>>> Spelling Bee

 B?  did the rest of the NYT games before 3am

 B<#>  number of words found, example  B12 

 B<#>+<#>  number of words found plus number of words found with help from the Spelling Bee Buddy, example  B10+14 

 B(...)*  an asterisk if you had other help, example  B21* 

 B(...)[p+, g | q]  a p for each pangram and g for genius or q for queen bee, example  B10+15ppq 

>>> Strands

 S<#>  number of hints used, example  S2 

 S<#>*  an asterisk if you had other help, example  S0* 

 Sp  perfect!

 Sp+  perfect AND every guess was a theme word!

another example of New York Times Games Notation
LAST UPDATED: July 21st, 2024