Blog Post / September 2nd, 2022 Previous / Next
BezierCurves is a fun little program I made that lets you customise a...Bézier curve! I originally made it with Processing (click here for code), and I converted it to p5.js so I could embed it on my website.

- Go to this link
Be on desktop (it doesn’t really work on mobile)EDIT: it kinda works on mobile (it just scrolls when you don’t want it to)- Ignore the p5.js header
Go fullscreen (f11 on Windows)EDIT: Press ‘f’Reload the page (ctrl+r or f5 on Windows)EDIT: pressing ‘f’ in the previous step does this automatically- Click somewhere
- Drag the circles to edit the curve
- Press space to hide the controls
- Press enter for a random curve