Blog Post / February 21st, 2022 Previous / Next
Cookies = Zero (and some updates)
There’s no need to accept or reject cookies on The Pinniped Page, because there aren’t any! You are not being tracked in any way, shape, or form.

As an update to this page I would like to mention that, although I will never use cookies, some of the services this website uses might, and I don’t think there’s anything I can do about that. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me on Discord.
Recent Updates
I’ve been working pretty hard on my website recently, as you can see from the increase in blog posts. Here are some of the things I changed recently.
- The links on the navigation bar (desktop only) change colour to match their destination when hovered over
- There’s now a subtitle on the home page telling visitors that this is “Obsidian_Seal’s Website”
- The text on the home page, 404 page, and 503 page is now properly centred on mobile
Remaining Problems
- The projects and blog pages don’t fit on smaller devices
- The footer lines don’t appear on small pages on small devices
- Title half-highlights don’t work with multiple lines of text
- I could add animations for things appearing as the page loads